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Happy Valentine's Day!

Love and Lent

This year Lent falls on Valentine’s day.  

Nothing like a bunch of chocolate hearts staring at me as if to say “do you love God enough to give us up?”  

Then it hits me, what I really need to give up for Lent this year, and it isn’t chocolate, but it actually has a lot to do with love.

What I need to give up, or at least try to give up, is FEAR.

I have lived long enough to know that I can decide to give up fear but fear most certainly is not going to give up on me.  There is always plenty to fear, and most of it sooner or later finds a way to my brain.

I know that even a concerted effort to rid my life from fear will not be entirely successful.  Still, a little less time spent frazzled by fear, means a little more time spent walking in faith.  A little less joylessness, a little more peace.  A little less time wasting, a little more fruitfulness. 

What better day than Valentine’s Day (the day we celebrate “love” ) to begin Lent, and perhaps a 40 day fast of (giving into) fear.  Why?  

Because as I John tells us…

“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.”  

I John 4:18

Lent is both a giving up and a filling up.  It is a giving up of all that is not of our Triune God, for a more complete filling up with Him.  May fear decrease and love increase as we journey.

Read on for more thoughts on Love is This and More

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