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I could worry about everything, but worrying does not help, so I want to worry less and think about God more.   The goodness long for, God already is. The wholeness I long for, is found in Him. Rather than focusing on what I can’t control (which is actually quite a lot) I I will set my hope on the One who controls all things.  When pain overwhelms me like a tidal wave, I will not let the waves wash away my knowledge of His goodness. Rather than worry about the waves behind the waves, I will remember He has welcomed me into His unsinkable ship.  I will pray, because while there is much I cannot control, He who controls all things invites me to His table. Rather than worry about what else could go wrong (which is a million or more things) I will think instead on the good He has promised will come to pass.  It is easy to want to worry less, it is harder to actually pull it off. But I am not going to worry about whether or not my quest to worry less will be successful or not.   Worry is not my department!


​“do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God  And the peace of God, which suprasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)



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