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Why Wiggles Flies


Once there was a worm named Wiggles…

Full of fun and full of giggles

Wiggles was loved by everyone

And Wiggles made living lots of fun


Wiggles used to be very strong

But one day as we were wiggling along

I noticed that Wiggles was wiggling slow

And I asked Wiggles, why it was so


Wiggles told me that very soon

He was going to turn into a soft cocoon

And He told me, that by and by

His cocoon would turn to a butterfly


“Wiggling is fun” he told me with glee

“But I wasn’t made just to wiggle you see

I was meant to fly, I was meant to soar

Wiggling is not all that I was made for


Wiggles took me by the hand

He said “Life can be hard to understand…

But when someone you love is ready to fly

Sooner or later you must say goodbye


At first when I leave you may be sad

But you’ll always be glad for the times we had

When I leave, keep memories of me close by

And in that sense it’s not really truly goodbye


“When I’m gone”..Wiggles said to me

“Don’t forget how much fun wiggling can be

And live every day you live under the sun

How you’d hope to have lived when your wiggling is done


Don’t be afraid to laugh or to cry

Or to dream about what it must be like to fly

And don’t be sad for me because…

Flying is better than wiggling was. ☺”

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