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Upside Down




Like everyone born into sin, my life was upside down

Till Jesus light within my soul turned everything around


And I began to see that all that glitters is not gold

And only treasures not of earth have value yet untold


The truth I found within God’s word helped me to clearly see

That glory everlasting, belongs to Him, not me


And I am most completely, who He made me to become

When I am longing not that my will, but that His be done


Oh how I long to see the world the way He sees, upright

But in a world, still upside down, I am going to have to fight


To set my heart on things above, on bringing Him due praise

On trusting in the trying times that perfect are His ways


Living for the wrong things, eventually takes toll

There is so much that is not ours, to plan and to control


But when Jesus is your Savior, your portion, and your cup

Instead of living upside down, you can live life right side up!



“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”  Romans 12:1 (ESV)




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