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It is easy to trust God in power and love

When my pathway is smooth and clear skies hang above

It is easy to say, “Not my will, but Yours”

When it seems of my dreams, that I stand on the shores


It is easy to think I’m depending on Him

When my cup overflows or is filled to the brim

It is easy to say I am willing to serve

As long as I have what I think I deserve


But when all of my idols come tumbling down

When kingdoms I’ve trusted in crash to the ground

When I lose what I loved and I thought was my own

It is only by grace that I fall at His throne


When I reach the end of my plans and my dreams

When I realize that often things aren’t as they seem

Then I look to the rock that is Higher than I

And I cling to the hope that I know will not die


In love, God’s own Son, He sent to the cross

My debt was too great for me, He paid the cost

His blood is sufficient, His grace never fails

My flesh fights for gain but His Spirit prevails


God’s kingdom’s eternal, it cannot be shaken

His title as “King of Kings” cannot be taken

In contrast to us, broken and small

His strength never changes and He upholds all


Lord help me to live with my eyes fixed on You

With a longing to do all You call me to do

With purpose, resolve, and mind renewed

With steadfast trust, and gratitude


Lift my eyes and my  heart in these moments at hand

To the greatest of joys I’ve yet to understand

Call me into Your presence to sweetly commune

With the King who now is, and is coming back soon!



“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.  I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.  I will thank you forever, because you have done it.  I will wait for your name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly.”  Psalm 52:8.9 (ESV)







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