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Things that Pass & Things that Last


There is a commonality your car and your life share.  They both pass; cars pass by on the interstates and life...well it can just pass you by.  I've been thinking of several other ways in which a cars and life are similar, for example- they can both break down.   


It would be nice if cars never broke down; but they do break down and when they do it's always inconvenient.  Sometimes cars break down because of accidents, human error, other times cars break down because parts break, they weren't made to last here forever.  Cars require maintenance and going in for regular oil changes and tire rotations is beneficial.  However, even a car that's never missed an oil change or a tire rotation can break down.  Now sometimes the reason a car isn't running is pretty obvious, you can see a tire is flat or the gas tank is on empty.  Other times the problem is hidden under the hood and harder to diagnose.  


As nice as it would be if my car never broke down I’d think it even nicer if I never broke down, but I do and when I do it's never convenient.  Sometimes I break down because my life on earth is temporal, not designed to last forever.  Sometimes I break down because I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm not focused on my Heavenly Father.  Sometimes I'm at a loss as to why my life is not working but a medical doctor, a psychologist, or a good friend can help me identify and fix the problem.  


LIke a car I need maintenance, that's why I try to make healthy food choices, read my Bible, make friends, help others, but even the best maintenance or preventative program in the world doesn't shield me entirely from breakdown.  I won't run on this earth forever; even a car that never misses an oil change will end up in a junkyard 500 years from now. 


The good news is you can get another car and you can also get another life. The God who placed a soul inside you sent His Son to save you, to offer you new life, as opposed to ending up in a junkyard (actually a place much worse than a junkyard) in the end.  It doesn't take an expert to advise you....make the trade while you still can.  And when you get your new life, or if you have a new life in Christ, you'll still want to be a good steward of your temporal one.  It would be silly to never wash your car or never change your oil because someday it's not going to be of use to you.  


Most everyone has an opinion on what makes a good car and what makes a good life.  Cars and lives, I'm not an expert and perhaps neither are you.  And if you're not an expert, it's good to know someone who is.    


“I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it.  God has done it, so that people fear before him.”    Ecclesiastes 3:14 (ESV)


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