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The Inexpressible Gift



Of all the gifts this season brings -- family, friends, and wrapped up things

Inside us is a longing for, something lasting, something more

Amidst our guilt and dread and fear, we long for something more than here

Freedom from distress and pain, from the suffering we cannot explain


From the manger, hear the cry, the Christ child born says It is I

Gift from God in flesh now come, I have fought the enemy and won

I am the gift that will not decay, your renewal day by day

Strength for both your highs and lows, hope no matter how life goes


As surely as the winter snow, other gifts will come and go

But the soul who in Christ believes, holds a gift that never leaves

Born to die...sin to forgive, risen life to give

May the Christ of Christmas ever lift, the hearts of all who claim His gift


Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift!  2 Corinthians 9:15 (ESV)



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