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Sun Behind The Clouds




We wish that we could take away the things you are going through

That make the clouds crowd out the sun, and steal your joy from you


We wish that we could just undo the pain this world can bring

The brokenness that it contains in big and little things


But we have learned through living we cannot wish pain away

Still we can lift you up to One who hears the prayers we pray


And ask Him to bring sun and joy and rainbows after rain

And give us grace to trust Him in all we cannot explain


So know that prayers are going up, yes, on your behalf

Find ways to smile, to simply rest, and most of all, to laugh


Know that though the clouds are thick, they will lift someday

The sun still shines beneath the clouds and it’s light  is there to stay



He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2



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