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                           Steadfast Love



We long for love, for a place to belong

For notes to make melody of our life song


For secured happiness, for good times not to end

We seek it in soul mates, in family, in friends


We long for peace, for our unsettled hearts

For unwavering hope, should life fall apart


For faith for our doubts, for comfort for pain

For answers the holes in our hearts can't explain


And all the while there is a Father above

Who is longing to fill up our hearts with His love


Longing to hold us and never let go

To give us more joy than we thought we could know


He's the love that we seek, our truest lifesong

He is the place we were made to belong


Through sunshine and trials He leads us until

Every hole in our hearts He is able to fill


More than riches or soul mates or family or friends

Joy found in Him never fails, never ends


He is hope for the hopeless, strength for the weak

He is all that our hearts were created to seek


He gave His own Son to redeem each lost soul

And only through Him are the broken made whole


So give God your heart on this Valentine's day

And let His rich love for you sweep you away.


"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end;"

                                                                                Lamentations 3:22 (ESV)




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