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 S.E.L.F. Assessment (for uncomfortable moments)​


Life is not always comfortable.  Things like riding a bike and making new friends can push us out of our comfort zone.  However, if we push through, we can find new comforts in skills we master and friends we make.  Some discomfort is not meant to be pushed through. If danger is near, fleeing the situation is the appropriate response.  That said, there are times in life you will want to run and should stay, and times you want to stay when perhaps the right thing to do is to leave.  When we find ourselves in uncomfortable spots we should ask, “Is this discomfort a warning to seek refuge, or is it a discomfort I must work through to reach something better?”   Do a little SELF assessment and see where you land.



-Do you feel uneasy because there might be danger?  If there is danger or a threat of danger, get help! Move quickly to remove yourself from the possibility of harm.



-Do you feel uneasy because circumstances or others have you doubting you are enough?  A lack of comfort may be due to a lack of familiarity, but it should not be due to a feeling of worthlessness.  If there were a 1-10 scale of worth, apart from Christ we would all be zeros, only the Godhead would be a 10 . Do not be overconfident or intimidated around others.  Know who you are in Christ and in that sense be comfortable in your own skin.  



-Do you know you are loved in this moment?  Love is not a feeling, it is a choice. Do not make a choice you are uneasy about in order to try and earn love.  True love is not earned, it is a gift. 



-In some moments we feel uncomfortable because we are bound by things Christ came to free us from such as sin, shame, or a need to please others.   As we seek God’s work in our lives, He continues to free us from what unnecessarily binds us. Ask Him to make you free. Ask for wisdom to know how to move through the uncomfortable moments of life, and pray for the courage to walk the plan.  


There are many ways to face uncomfortable moments.  This SELF assessment is just one tool that might help you become more comfortable handling uncomfortable moments.  Uncomfortable moments are not going away, but with a little wisdom and a lot of grace, we can choose the right way when we encounter them.     


“Behold, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life,”  Psalm 54:4 (ESV)



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