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Prayer for You


Prayer for you…


If we could fix it for you, we would

We would undo the pain, if only we could

We’d make life’s hard parts go away…

But we cannot, still we will pray

We pray for you..the fruit of the Spirit

That as God speaks, in stillness you hear it

For His power in you, to stand the strain

For rainbows to come, after the rain


For Love.

That you might know and feel in time God’s proven trustworthy love.  God’s love may not always give you what you want when you want it, but it will help you discover what deep down you really want, what you were made for.  Moment by moment this love will be enough.


For Joy.

However that comes.  A magnificent sunset.  Spring flowers. Perhaps a new friendship or relationship, a longing fulfilled, a lost found.  Not a replacement for what you may have lost or have not yet found, but a joy that can coexist with brokenness and longing which will always remain this side of Heaven.  



The ability to rest in the unknown and uncontrollable.  The ability to cling to the One who will never let you go as you let go of all else.  The kind of letting go that leads to freedom.



Otherwise known as longsuffering, which is by definition, to suffer long.  No one wants to suffer, especially for a long while. Yet somehow, there is sweetness in this fruit.  Wait with expectation as it ripens.



This will enable you to resist the temptation to treat others the way it may feel as if you have been treated, unkindly.  May kind deeds and kinds words fall upon you, even in the midst of most unkind circumstances. May this kindness sink deep, that it might bubble to the top when you are pressed down.



God is good.  So much else is not.  We need His strength to see good, to fight for it.



There is no litmus test until your faith is tried.  We need God’s strength in the trial, which will make faith sight to a greater degree




May a present gentleness stand in stark contrast to the harsh realities that be.  Gentleness is a much needed antidote in this broken world.


Self control.

The coming under control of the Holy Spirit.  Letting go of our perceived sense of control and the untameable thoughts and actions that flow when we realize our control is but an illusion, and that it is God, not us, who controls all things.  It is in the letting go, the surrendering to our Maker, that we regain the ability to function as we were intended to.




May God’s Spirit in you, strengthen and provide as only He can, in the sunshine and also the rains, and by His grace may you keep in step!


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.  And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”  Galatians 5: 22-25


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