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Moment at Hand



Lord help us trust You in all You have planned

And help us use wisely the moments at hand


Make us strong in Your might when we feel most weak

Give us patience and wisdom and kind words to speak


May we lift up our praise when Your miracles come

For all You are doing and all You have done


And when the road’s rough and we question Your ways

Help us to bring sacrifices of praise


Your glory is greater than yet we can see

Joy here, just a glimpse of what someday will be


Through calm and through chaos be Lord of our days

Ever shaping our hearts for Your honor and praise


Give us hope in our hopelessness,sunshine each day

Moments of laughter to lighten our way


And remind us that no matter what a day brings

We can find peace because You are still King


“For kingship belongs to the LORD, and he rules over the nations.” 

                                                                                        Psalm 2:4


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