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Mixed Holidays



So quickly the holidays appear

But mixed with joy and mixed with cheer


May be sadness here or there

Perhaps there's a burden right now you bear


Perhaps you are ill, or just feel spent

Or are trying to embrace how something went


Perhaps with tomorrow's many unknowns

You are feeling anxious or all alone


How I pray this holiday you still feel

The richness of God's love so real


The hope that Jesus came to bring

The joy that remains because He is King


How I pray the salvation He came to give

Is yours and gives you the courage to live


Each moment that you must embrace

With strength and comfort, peace and grace


The Christ of Christmas came to give

Us life which we'll forever live


Hope not just for this world so broken

But for Heaven's joys unspoken


Indeed the holidays are here

Beyond our worries, doubts and fears


May the joy of Christmas still remain

As we praise the Holy Christ Child's Name


"And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,

and you shall call his name Jesus.  

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High."

Luke 1:31 (ESV)



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