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Mixed Bouquets






For some it brings mixed bouquets, for me it brings mixed emotions.  


Hands down, being a wife and being a mother are at the top of my best-things-that-ever-happened-to-me list.  I would almost say I was created for motherhood, but I know that I was really created for God’s glory, motherhood just happens to be one of the more pleasurable ways this can happen.  I am at the top of the mountain when I hug my children on Mother’s Day, but I am also a little sad. I miss my mom. I will never be able to write her another Mother’s Day poem this side of Heaven.  I will never see her face light up in delight as one of the grandchildren hands her a card made from paper and crayons.


I am sad because I remember that I have another child, but she is not here, she is in Heaven.  I know about Heaven, I am not sad for her, just me. I am sad for my friends who are waiting to be mothers but haven’t yet had the opportunity.  There is no heartache like family heartache. I am sad for moms whose children are estranged, and for children who do not get a warm, cozy feeling inside whenever someone says “mother”.


Today I will embrace Motherhood.  The joys beyond description, the heartaches beyond words.  Today I will thank the Giver of all good gifts for loving us through mothers.  Today I will celebrate the lessons I have been taught and the ones I get to teach.  And today, I hope you celebrate. A love you have received, a love you can give. As my mom would say, “If you don’t, who will?”




"This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24



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