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Love Lasts





When someone dies, other things also die.  Things like projects, missions, dreams, laughter and joy.  And while love does not die, the manifestation of it’s provision in the tangible ways we can feel, touch, hear and see it this side of Heaven, changes.  It is comforting to know you have been loved, are loved, and will continue to be loved, but sometimes love needs a hug, a kind word spoken at the right time.  Hugging a picture frame is not the same as hugging someone with a beating heart, even when you know that heart beats somewhere on the other shore.  


With the loss of someone we love, we lose a living source of joy.  While God will continue to manifest His love to us in various ways, His way of communicating love through the individual who no longer breathes this side of Heaven cannot be replaced.  It is a love we will miss no matter how many other ways we feel God’s love manifest.  


In Christ we have the hope of love manifest in a way more beautiful and glorious than any of the ways we have yet experienced it this side of Heaven.  Our hope in Christ, is that the best of earthly relationships is but a foreshadowing of the fellowship that awaits us in eternity. Earthly relationships will not last.  We were made for what will last. May the joy of everlasting love hold us afloat when we are separated from lesser loves for but an earthly lifetime.  


“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends.” I Corinthians 13:7-8 (ESV)



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