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Looking to JESUS





He was there with His Father before there was time and created the sky and the sea

And the road to Golgotha He willingly climbed to give hope to a soul like me

The splendor of Heaven He wanted to share with me though I was sinful from birth

Though it meant the cross, He counted all loss, in order to give my soul worth


He showed me the way that God wants me to live by the way that He lived for me

How dying brings life and how giving brings gain, and surrender the chance to be free

He gave me the hope of a much better home He prepares for me now up above

And the nails in His hands and the scars on His feet, help me to understand love


He shows me the pleasures of  walking in Him as I live out the moment at hand

He shows me the value of trusting in God even when I do not understand

He showed me His strength was sufficiently able to conquer the grandest of tasks

And He promises He will be all that I need for whatever it is that He asks


He will be there tomorrow with all of the joys and the sorrows I yet do not know

He will be there the day that I take my last breathe He will welcome me home when I go

So looking to Him I take courage each day in each joy and each trial I may face

For when I look at Jesus on Calvary’s cross I find peace in God’s promise of grace


“..looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated  at the right hand of the throne of God.”                                                                                                                      Hebrews 12:2 (ESV)

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