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Living The Dream



Motherhood. It was always my dream.  Since I did not get married until I was 34,

It is easy to look back on my years of dreaming and find gratitude that I am living the dream. 

That said, it is not turning out the way it did in my dreams.  My kids have real struggles and it is not within my power to fix them.  I have a lot I am trying to teach them,  and apparently God has about twice as much that  He is trying to teach me.  It can seem overwhelming.


Today God gave me a gift; the reminder that I was made to exhale.  I heard someone say recently,  God is doing at least one million things right now and you know about one of them.  I realized that instead of trying to figure out what all those million things are ( especially in the lives of each of my kids) I just have to do the one, or two,  or three things I know about.   Talk one child through rejection from peers, remind one child that adversely can be a gift, put aside my own agenda for the child who can’t pour himself a glass of water without turning the floor into a slip and slide.


It is easy to think that if God would have given me , or my children, a different skill set, things would be so much better. But better in what sense?  In the sense that I would have more time to tell people how all sufficient God is as they watch me manage my own life ? That is where the exhale comes in. His Name will be proclaimed among the nations.  Even if childhood friendships are messy, even if that thing we want so badly does not happen, even if ( and perhaps especially when) He allows our lives to be filled with circumstances that were not part of our agenda.  Don’t worry about the million things that God is doing that you do not know about, He will handle that.  Instead, do the one or two or three things in front of you that you do know about.  Then praise Him as you exhale.   






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