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Live Today



One cannot live tomorrow, today.  So live today. 


Seems easy.  But obviously it does not come easy, at least for me.  Otherwise, I would not have found this motto so revolutionary when it landed on my heart earlier this week.  It landed on my heart in the midst of some planning and replanning.  In the midst of learning that sometimes  Plan B falls through.  There is always something to plan for and always something you didn’t plan for.  If you are a worrier, there is always something to worry about.  I remember early on in our marriage stating that if a particular circumstance would change, I would not worry so much.  My husband assured me that regardless of circumstance I would find something to worry about.  It is my nature to worry. 


 I was kind of indignant to his assessment, but years later it has proven true.  Now, rather than focusing on eliminating life’s undesirable circumstances (an impossible feat), I focus on embracing the promises of God which are mine even in the midst of undesirable circumstances.  Tomorrow, if it comes, will be what it is.  One cannot live tomorrow, today.  So why not live today?  With all of it’s rain, as well as it’s sunshine.  With all of it’s pain, as well as it’s joy.  With all it’s injustice and uncertainty, and with all of it’s promise that God will right all wrongs, and that nothing can thwart His plans.  Grace is not here for tomorrow, but it is here for this moment.  May we take the grace to live these moments.  


“The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with justice and righteousness, and he will be the stability of your times,...” Isaiah 33:6




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