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To Know:


There are plenty of things I think are important to say but that I just never say them, after all, it "seems" like there  will always be tomorrow.  Then you go to a funeral.  Or then you go to the doctor and the findings are concerning.  And then you realize that if you have something to say you really shouldn't wait to say it.


If it's worth saying, I wonder why I wait.  Perhaps I wait because I lose perspective and I let the urgent crowd out the important.  Perhaps I wait because I don't like confrontation and what I have to say makes folks confront the one person none of us want to confront, ourselves.  Mostly I wait because I really do care and I don't want to say the wrong thing at the wrong time.  Mostly I wait because it would grieve my heart should anyone not choose to know the three things I want everyone to know.  But I want my life to count, and I don't want anyone to have to come to my funeral to hear the things I want to say but never said so I'm not waiting anymore.


Thanks for reading on, for letting me share, whether or not you share my passion. Even if you don’t care to know these three things, I still care about you. Perhaps you are familiar with the three things I want to share you understand them better than I do; perhaps I won't word them the way you think they should be worded, if so, share my heart and don't let the words get in the way.


Life is short, and a list of what's important to know in life should be too, so here it is, just three things.




 Because you have a terminal illness (it's called mortality and all men have it)  you will die unless you are born again to eternal life through the One and Only Eternal Life Giver, Jesus Christ.  It is not enough to know about Jesus, you must KNOW Jesus as Lord and Savior to receive the gift of life He offers.  If you know Him, praise Him, share Him!  If you don't know Him personally,  you can come to know Him through reading the Holy Bible (nothing more or less is needed it's all in there).  That said I recommend you find someone who does KNOW HIM, a bible-based church would be a good place to meet such a person.  Anyone who truly KNOWS HIM would be honored and delighted to help you get to know Him too.




No matter what your situation today, hope helps, immensely.  Knowing Jesus is knowing hope.  Knowing is different than feeling or seeing or holding or understanding; and even though it may not seem like it, knowing IS enough.




For those times you don't see or feel or understand the God, you need fellowship, other people who KNOW God, who know the TRUTH,especially when life as you are experiencing it doesn't make sense. If you go it alone, you will feel alone.  If you go it with others, you may still feel lonely but you won't be alone.


That's it, three things, knowing them changes everything, forever.

But don't just take my word for it, know it.

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