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Imperishable, Undefiled, Unfading



Today I broke the childproof lock on our attic door.  I totally forgot we had put a lock on the door in order  to prevent broken limbs (and worse) if little people wandered into the attic.  When the door didn’t open, I pulled a little harder.  Childproof locks only last if adults are smart enough to respect them.  


I do not like it when I break things.  I like it even less when things break me, or people that I love.  My husband can fix the door lock (admittedly the door frame will probably never be the same), but some things (health, family circles, friendships) ar enot so easily fixed when they are broken.  It has been one of those days at our house.  In addition to the door, my one and a half year old  nearly broke my I-Pad by dumping coffee grinds on it.  I told my six year old we should be thankful that his hands work and that his mind is full of curiosity, allowing for such troubles.  She agreed, but it made her think of her sister who was stillborn, and never got to explore this earth with her little hands.  We live in a broken world.   Things on earth did not always break, not until Adam and Eve used the gift of free will to disobey God, but that they did and there is no going back.  As it is, things are going to continue to break around here.  I am prone to accidents, and my son’s little hands which look so perfect, are bound to meet with a splinter, or just slow down if he lives long enough. The good news is, we are not going back, we are going forward.  Forward is much better for those who know Christ.  He didn’t come to fix this life, to fix this world, He came to give us new life, and the promise of a new dwelling called Heaven.


If you are looking for real hope today, look to what is not going to break, what Peter calls imperishable, undefiled, unfading.  Bless the One who offers this hope.  Don’t sweat the small stuff, and in light of eternity, most of it is small.  Small or big, do not dwell on what is broken, or will break, or could break, but rather on what will not break.  Ever.


“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you…”

I Peter 1:3,4 (ESV)



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