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If Only It Were Easy




If only life were easy, and trials never came

If only rainbows came on days of sunshine, not of rain

If only life were simple, as far as our plans go

If only every day our ducks all lined up in a row


God could have chosen for His children only days of sun

And yet He never promised that, even for His Son

He promises to be with us in hardship and in pain

And He promises no matter what, His love will still remain


And so we bow before Him, pray to Him, and then arise

Knowing that when trials come, to Him they are no surprise

And in all times in Him we find, the peace to us He brings

He is our Deliverer, Sovereign over all things


So trust Him both on days of sunshine and on days of rain

Let Him grace you in each trial, be comfort for each pain

Lift your hands in praise to Him from whom all help comes from

And let Him bring forth gold from every trial that may come



“The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.”

 Psalm 34:18 (ESV)

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