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Holding You


When you see a storm before you,  like you’d hoped to never see

When you wish you didn’t have to ask the question- “Lord, why me?”

I pray that you would feel Him tuck you close and hold you tight

I pray that in His mighty arms, you’d soundly sleep at night


When you need God to be big,  I pray in mighty ways-

He’d hear your prayers and answer, so your heart has cause to praise

I pray that He would do the amazing things just He can do

I pray that You’d hold onto the hope, that’s ever holding you


I pray that He would be your shield, when the storm gets tough

I pray you’d rest in His matchless grace, which  always is enough

I pray you steadfast faith in Him,  although the storm winds blow

That you’d trust the arms that hold you tight will never let you go


“He will cover you with His pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge;” Psalm 91:4 (ESV)


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