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Doubts and Fears, Desires and Expectations


If I could let go of my doubts, my fears, my desires and my expectations, I would be more godly, more productive, and a lot happier.  You'd think that would be enough motivation to make me drop these things that don't serve, me faster than a hot ball of wax.  Apparently it's not that easy or I'd be doing it not writing about it.


The enemy dangles doubts and fears before me as I walk through life; without careful guard they stick to my mind faster and stronger than super glue.  They can be subtle, sometimes I barely notice they are there, but they are dangerous.  These strongholds of the mind are strong, but God is stronger.  I must entreat His help and grace to remove them and untangle me from the bondage they are in order to allow me to live today, the free life Christ died to give me.


I must put my expectations and desires in proper perspective too.  My expectations and my desires are just that, MINE.  I was created to desire God, and I can expect great things eternally from Him.  But sometimes, often times, to embrace His desires and expectations I must let go of mine.  


Letting go of what doesn't serve me is hard; it takes diligent effort, I must ask for grace each day to keep letting go (this side of Heaven there is always something to let go of).  But isn't it worth it?  Who doesn't want to be more godly, more productive..and even a little happier!


"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."  Philippians 4:8 (ESV)


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