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Christmas Countdown



*Here’s an idea for counting down to Christmas (if you don’t happen to have 100 Lords a Leaping or 70 Swans a Swimming lying around..)


Each day, hide one piece of the Nativity scene along with the corresponding poem below, and perhaps a small treat for the seekers.  Have the seekers add the missing item to the Nativity scene when found.  Also- you can adapt by adding your own poems or using the animal poem twice if your set has different moving parts.




12 day Christmas Countdown


I am the Star that shone so bright

Over Bethlehem on Christmas night

What other prophecies do you know

That were filled that night so long ago


I am the Angel, shining brilliantly

As you place me in the Nativity

Ponder the way in which I came from glory

To proclaim to the shepherds the Christmas story


We are the Shepherds, as you have heard

I saw an angel, which seem absurd

But it’s true that I did, and oh what a sight

And what wonderful news was shared with me that night


I am the Innkeeper, wouldn’t you know

I had not a room left for the last couple so

I lent them my stable to room in instead

And now it’s a story that millions have read


I am a Wiseman and I saw the star

My friends and I, we traveled quite far

To find the Christ child so long foretold

I brought the child a gift of gold


I am also a Wiseman, I saw the star, hence

I brought my gift of frankincense

To give the child, the King of Glory

For that was my part in the Christmas story


I, a Wiseman, along with the rest

Followed the star with zeal and zest

I brought the child myrh, a sweet smelling thing

A precious gift for a worthy King


I am Mary, what a lot was mine

To be the mother of the most Divine

I cannot begin to describe the joy

Of welcoming this Baby Boy


I am Joseph, what a job I had

To be for Messiah, an earthly dad

But God was ever by my side

In every way I knew He would provide


I am an animal, in the stable

I know that this story is more than a fable

I saw the miracles, more than one

And I am sure this was God’s Son!


I am the manger, where Jesus lay

On the very first Christmas day

Yet I know today, as even then..

He wants most to reside in hearts of men


I am Jesus, the long awaited

The more than dreamed of and anticipated

Messiah, Savior, Lord and King

And I hope to you, I am everything! 



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