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There hundreds of candy canes all in a row

And a bow on the evergreen covered with snow


There is frost on the window and trim on the tree

But Christmas is not what I thought it would be


There are seasonal greetings of love and good cheer

And blessing sent forth for the upcoming year


There are carols for singing and gifts to impart

But there’s still an ache somewhere deep in my heart


It isn’t that Jesus is not gift enough

It’s just that sometimes, this world can be tough


When life does not line up, in neat little rows

We must fight to remember He cares and He knows


His blood is sufficient to cover our sin

His grace is enough for trials we walk in


But the battle is real, and the outlook, look dim

As the enemy tries to take our eyes off Him


The cookies are ready, the cocoa is hot

There is much Christmas is, and yet much it is not


In the not picture perfect Christmas of this year

May you still find joy knowing, that here!




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