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Choose Joy




C hrist did not come for glory and He did not come for fame

   But in a lowly stable He arrived to bear your shame

H e did not come to patch things up, as hope in some small token

  He came to be the true propitiation for the broken

O n Christmas Eve, when all the world beheld at first His glory

   We did not fully comprehend how He would change our story

O h how strange it seemed to us that love so rich and rare

   Would clothe itself in human flesh and then our burdens bear

S till today I wonder if we really understand

  The glory of the gift that God through Christ has given man

E ternal joy is not a dream, but now reality

   For those who trust the cleansing blood Christ shed on Calvary


J oy when life is going well and joy when times are tough

     For all that we will never be, Christ is now enough

O nly Jesus offers JOY that promises to last

   Long after both the best and hardest days of this life pass

Y esterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same

   We seek an everlasting JOY and this is why He came

He came to bring fullness of JOY as only He could do

So open up this gift and choose the JOY that first chose you!      





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