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From A-Z - A Few Ways To Relax





A- Appreciate art.  Take a good look at a beautiful picture, a painting,

       a piece of pottery, a play-dough creation. 


B- Breathe.  Inhale goodness.  Exhale worries.


C-Call a friend.


D- Dream.


E- Explore possibilities. 


F- Forgive.  Yourself.  Others.


G- Give yourself a break.


H- Have hope.


I- Invite calmness into your chaos.


J- Jokes.  Read one.  Make one up.


K- Kind words.  Give them.  Receive them.


L- Listen.  To the birds chirp.  To uplifting music.


M- Make a memory.  (Even lying in a hammock counts).


N- Note.  Take note of the positive parts of your day.


O- Open your mind. Think outside of the box.


P- Pray.


Q- Quietness.  Not just around you, but inside you.


R- Remind yourself of all you have to be thankful for.


S- Sing.


T- Tell stories.  (Or listen to someone else tell them.)


U- Use your talents.


V-Vote to have a good week.




X- Xpect there will come some rain, but that rainbows will follow.


Z-  ZZZZZZZZ.  Get a good night's sleep ;).




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