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A Loss for Words





Today is the 7th year anniversary of a life defining moment for me.  A moment in which life (as I knew it) fell apart, never to be put back together.  I have watched the sunset over the ocean in awe since that time, I have been surprised by joy.  Even in those moments, I am not the same, defining moments redefine you.


As a writer and a want-to-be-comforter, I am at a loss for words.  I do not have words for myself, or for others whose defining moments are unfolding around me.  How I want to say the right thing. How I want to take ease the pain. How I want to undo, what I fear could be the undoing of a soul.  I am at a loss for words, but I am learning that a loss for words is not a bad thing.


Sometimes there are no words.  No words to undo. No words to fix.  No words that lesson the burden that is momentarily for bearing.  It does not mean you do not have a part in the journey, it just means that you do not have to have words.  


The death of Lazarus was undoubtedly a life defining moment for his grieving friends and family.  Jesus knew he would raise Lazarus from the dead, but that did not lessen the grief Jesus felt in the momentary loss of this friend.  Jesus entered the hard moment. He wept. Presence. Tears. Some things say more than words could ever say.


If you are at a loss for words, words to comfort your own soul, or words to comfort the soul of another, understand that you might be at the right place.  Enter into grief. Allow Jesus to come, to weep, to be present. Someday, Jesus will right the wrong, He will wipe the last tear from our eyes, He will make all things new, we will be redefined in His glorious image and presence.  Meanwhile loss creates a loss for words, and that is okay.

“‘Be still, and know that I am God.’”   Psalm 46:10 (ESV)



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