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All Good (even when it isn't)



Sometimes it can feel like there is not much hope

As you swing in the knot at the end of your rope


When the mess is so big you don’t know where to start

And there is not much left that’s not falling apart


If ever you find you are hungry or tired

Or your license for patience is simply expired


Remember that feeling can change like the weather

But there is a hope that’s steadfast and forever


Hope for the days when the mountains look steep

Hope for the days when the valleys are deep


Hope for the moments you see no way through

Hope for a day when all things become new


This hope is Jesus, the Savior who came

To save those who love Him and trust in His name


He has promised to walk through each trial we face

And to lavish upon us His unfailing grace


There will be hard days, of this we are sure

But His joy is unshakeable, His love secure


There will be times we do not understand

But under it all, we are held in His hands


With Jesus as Master, as Savior, as Friend

We have a sure and a glorious end


Rest in His promises, steadfast and true

And hope evermore in His great love for you


“He will tend his flock like a shepherd;

he will gather the lambs in his arms;”  Isaiah 40:11





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