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Life can be hard.

I want you to remember this one word.  Again.


Not everything we wish we could undo can be undone.

Not everything that breaks can be pieced back together.

Not everyone we say goodbye to will return.

Still, it is possible a day will come when you will smile, again.  


Again there will be pain, but again there will be comfort.

Again you will be stretched, but again you will grow.

Again you will seek answers, and again find them in the form of more questions.

Still, it is possible a day will come when you will rest, again.


Today there may be rain but the sun will shine again.

Today you may not feel like laughing, but you will laugh again.

And when the day comes you feel like smiling, sharing, dancing, living, do.

Smile, share, dance, laugh, rest, and be grateful.  Again and again.


"Give ear, O LORD, to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace.  In the day of my trouble I  call upon you, for you answer me. "  Psalm 86:6-7 (ESV)



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